Grand Representatives

Note: If you have been presented with a Gr. Representative Commission and your name is not listed here or is incorrectly listed, CLICK HERE to E-Mail:Bro. Don Williams, PGP - Content Admin for correction.
Please Note : A motion was ratified at this year 2024 Grand Chapter Session to reinstate the announcement of a GGCCM's, PGM's & PGP's Gr. Representative Commission during their introduction.
Elected Grand Officers, Appointed Grand officers and Grand Representatives continue to be introduced in their highest office only. (See Below).

Note that NEW Commissions presented after Aug 31st, 2024 will be THREEYEARS in duration.

⃞ Alabama Aug.31/27
⃞ Alberta Shirley McBride Aug.31/25
⃞ Arizona Phyllis Kerr Aug.31/27
⃞ Arkansas Harley Peterson Aug.31/25
⃞ Australia Aug 31/27
⃞ B.C./Yukon Allan Bishop Aug.31/25
⃞ Bolivia Norma Caswell Aug 31/25
⃞ California Doug Kaine Aug.31/25
⃞ Colorado Colleen Stewart Aug.31/25
⃞ Connecticut Aug.31/27
⃞ Delaware Anne Murray Aug.31/25
⃞ Dist. of Columbia Laura Whitmee Aug.31/27
⃞ Florida Jeannie Wheelock, PGM Aug.31/25
⃞ Georgia Rosemarie Fitzgerald Aug.31/27
⃞ Idaho April Henry Aug.31/25
⃞ Illinois Aug.31/27
⃞ Indiana Danielle Kesselring Aug.31/27
⃞ Iowa Robyn Searle Aug.31/27
⃞ Italy Vernon Lister Aug.31/25
⃞ Kansas Aug.31/27
⃞ Kentucky Bill Balser Aug.31/27
⃞ Louisiana Burton Hall, PGP Aug.31/25
⃞ Maine Annie Watson Mar.01/26
⃞ Manitoba Marilyn Hutchinson Aug.31/27
⃞ Maryland Aug.31/25
⃞ Massachusetts Sandra Zamora Aug.31/25
⃞ Michigan Lynda Swan, GGCCM Aug.31/25
⃞ Minnesota Janice Allen Aug.31/25
⃞ Mississippi Aug.31/27
⃞ Missouri Aug.31/26
⃞ Montana Nancy Gallop Aug.31/27
⃞ Nebraska Douglas Swan, PGP Aug.31/25
⃞ Nevada Aug.31/27
⃞ New Hampshire Barbara Greenlaw, PGM Aug.31/25
⃞ New Jersey Joe Linke Aug.31/25
⃞ New Mexico Wendy Oakley Aug.31/25
⃞ New York Lynne Hatt, PGM Aug.31/27
⃞ North Carolina Brenda McGibbon, PGM Aug.31/27
⃞ North Dakota Rosalie Clifford Aug.31/25
⃞ NS & PEI Geoffrey Hutchin Aug.31/25
⃞ Ohio Merilee Hoyt Aug.31/27
⃞ Oklahoma Dawne McLean Aug.31/27
⃞ Ontario Kevin Wilson, PGP Aug.31/25
⃞ Oregon Aug.31/26
⃞ Pennsylvania Mabel Spiece Aug.31/26
⃞ Puerto Rico Linda Ames Aug.31/25
⃞ Rhode Island Sally Donald Aug.31/25
⃞ Saskatchewan Aug.31/25
⃞ Sao Paulo Laura Burns Aug.31/25
⃞ Scotland Aug.31/25
⃞ South Carolina Kim Brown Aug.31/25
⃞ South Dakota Stephen Allen Aug.31/26
⃞ Tennessee Marlene Moore Aug.31/27
⃞ Texas Maxine MacMillan Aug.31/25
⃞ Utah Aug.31/27
⃞ Vermont Brenda Saunders, PGM Aug.31/25
⃞ Virginia Jacquie Boutilier, PGM Aug.31/25
⃞ Washington Linda Boone Aug.31/27
⃞ West Virginia Margaret Jagoe, GGCCM Aug.31/25
⃞ Wisconsin Lorraine Fullarton Aug.31/27
⃞ Wyoming Darrell Munn, PGP Aug.31/25