Sister Conductress:
Print this list before your meeting. Check the sign-in book before
opening & check off the ⃞ of those present for introduction.
Altar (Escorted) 1
WM, I have the honor to present:
⃞ Sister Joanne Gaudet, Worthy Grand Matron
⃞ Brother Allan Gillis, Worthy Grand Patron
"of the Grand Chapter of New Brunswick, Order of the Eastern Star"
Altar (Escorted) 2
WM, I have the honor to present the General Grand officer(s):
⃞ Sis Lynda Swan, Worthy Grand Electa, of the Gen. Gr. Chapter, PGM of NB., and GR of Michigan.
Altar (Escorted) 3
WM, I have the honor to present the General Grand Chapter Committee Members(s):
⃞ Bro. Darrell Munn, member of the Alzheimer's Committee of the Gen. Gr. Chapter, PGP of NB & GR of Wyoming.
⃞ Bro. Kevin Wilson, member of the Community Service Committee of the Gen. Gr. Chapter, PGP of of NB & GR of Ontario.
⃞ Bro Donald Williams, member of the ESTARL Committee of the Gen. Gr. Chapter and PGP of NB.
⃞ Sis. Lynda Williams, member of the Historical Landmarks Committee, Rob Morris Home, and PGM of NB.
"Order of the Eastern Star"
At the Altar: 3
WM, I have the honor to present Past Grand Matrons:
⃞ Sis. Jacquie Boutilier, and GR of Virginia.
⃞ Sis. Margaret McCully
⃞ Sis. Jeanne Wheelock, and GR of Florida.
⃞ Sis. Betty Danks
⃞ Sis. Ann Lister
⃞ Sis. Brenda J. Saunders, and GR of Vermont.
⃞ Sis. Shirley MacDonald
⃞ Sis. Audrey Sypher
⃞ Sis. Ann Morton
⃞ Sis. Carol Sutherland
⃞ Sis. Debbie Hill
⃞ Sis. Marjorie Colton
⃞ Sis. Donna Allen
⃞ Sis. Elaine I. McLean
⃞ Sis. Donna McEwen
⃞ Sis. Lynne Hatt, and GR of New York.
⃞ Sis. Linda Cogswell
⃞ Sis. Lynn Hutchin
⃞ Sis. Sherry Mitton
⃞ Sis. Mildred Homer
⃞ Sis. Nancy Keirstead
⃞ Sis. Peggy Jagoe
⃞ Sis. Eleanor Linton
⃞ Sis. Joyce McInnes
⃞ Sis. Judy Donnelly
⃞ Sis. Charlotte Jansen-Bateman
⃞ Sis. Barbara Greenlaw, GR of New Hampshire.
⃞ Sis. Brenda McGibbon, GR of North Carolina in NB
and Past Grand Patrons:
⃞ Bro. Joseph Holmes
⃞ Bro. Murray Clouston
⃞ Bro. Doug Swan, Gr. Secretary, and GR of Nebraska.
⃞ Bro. Ron Jagoe
⃞ Bro. Graham Vincent
⃞ Bro. Burton Hall, and GR of Louisiana.
⃞ Bro. Bob King
⃞ Bro. Ebby Kuhn
⃞ Bro. Ray Kraglund
⃞ Bro. David Lister
⃞ Bro. Robert McInnes
⃞ Bro. Ross MacLeod
⃞ Bro. Ronald Keith Bateman
" PGPs of the Grand Chapter of New Brunswick, Order of the Eastern Star "
West of Esther’s station: 4
WM, I have the pleasure to present the Elected Grand Officers:
Note: Elected Grand officer are not introduced with their Grand Rep. appointment.
⃞ Sis. Vicki MacLeod, Assoc. Grand Matron
⃞ Sis. Debbie Cawker, Grand Treasurer
⃞ Sis. Cindy Wilson, Grand Conductress
⃞ Sis. Joyce Spence, Assoc. Grand Conductress
⃞ Bro. Glendon Hill, Assoc. Grand Patron
⃞ Bro. Doug Kaine, Grand Sentinel
"of the Grand Chapter of New Brunswick, Order of the Eastern Star"
West of Esther’s station: 5
WM, I have the pleasure to present the Appointed Grand Officers:
Note: Appointed Grand officer are not introduced with their Grand Rep. appointments.
⃞ Sis. Brenda Whitney, Grand Chaplain
⃞ Bro. Allan McKinley, Grand Marshal
⃞ Sis. Mary Pelletier, Grand Organist
⃞ Sis. Sandra Zamora, Grand Adah
⃞ Sis. Connie MacPherson, Grand Ruth
⃞ Sis. Lanah Rattray, Grand Esther
⃞ Sis. Darlene Kaine, Grand Martha
⃞ Sis. Martha Evans, Grand Electa
⃞ Bro. Paul Fullarton, Grand Warder
"of the Grand Chapter of New Brunswick, Order of the Eastern Star"
West of Esther’s station: 7
WM, I have the pleasure to present the Grand Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions in NB.
Sis./Bro. . . . . . . . . etc. and at the end > "Order of the Eastern Star".
Note: Grand Representative Assignments change annually on Aug 31st).
Please click on and consult the Grand Representative List below to confirm who is
to be introduced as "Grand Representative of" (Prov.; State; Country)".
. (Click here for Gr. Representative List)
West of Esther’s station: 8
W.M., I have the pleasure to present the visiting WM's and WP's
(See Chapter Officer List - OES May Magazine of the current year)
Note: Previously presented and currently presiding WMs & WPs will stand at their seats; but, will not be reintroduced.
This is to acknowledge the office holder's attendance and to encourage visiting by those who are new WMs & WPs.